Thursday, April 18, 2013

This hunger thing is trickier than I thought.  I keep analyzing and reanalyzing yesterday, because I feel like everything was mentally and emotionally in the right place.  Why the fall?

I have come up with two reasons.

1.) Maybe I WAS hungry.  I ignore my hunger so much, especially busy times during the day.  When I was pregnant sometimes I would wait until I was actually dizzy to eat.  Maybe I misread, and the empty, stomach gnawing feeling was hunger.  I was waiting for pain, or to feel like I had to have food.  Maybe that isn't what it looks like for me.

2.) I may not have been getting enough water.  I usually drink coffee and don't really drink water until nightfall (with the rest of my calories).  This will not be a way to be successful on the HCG protocol.

Today was okay, I ate really light for a protocol day but I ate when I felt that empty hunger.

The biggest thing I encountered today on my journal was a challenge from my therapist.  She was excited to see that I was trying to shift my thinking on weight loss, body image, etc.  She saw a road bump:

What about your inner critic?  Can you spend this week really tuning in to what that voice is saying, and when it is talking?  Not just about dieting, not just about your body, but about anything . . .

Wow.  Like most people I notice my inner critic.  I mostly notice it when I look in the mirror.  Or when I used to weigh myself.

Do I feed myself in response to the negative energy generated by my inner critic?

I asked myself this question:  What if I finish this journey, and my body settles at a size 10?  Mind you, right now I am a size 14 (sometimes a little more depending of the style).   Would I be able to stand up to that voice and say "I'm done, my body is at a healthy weight, and size?"  Right now, the answer is no.  I couldn't face myself in the mirror and see that as my destination.  But what if that is what my body needs?  My inner critic is going to have to learn to line up with my body, we are all in this together!

Me, all of me, is going to have to decide I am good enough.

How does your inner critic affect how and what you eat?

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